Friday, July 19, 2013


Have you ever considered your own mindset? Over the years, William and I have had many discussions about beliefs and ways of thinking, and he came across a term to explain what we've talked about, mindset. He is taking an internet math class, and the teacher spoke about a book about mindset. She explained some of the book stating that studies have found that people fall into two kinds of mindset, either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.

We talked about this idea this morning and that it has been an difference between us for many years. I have clearly been of the fixed mindset, and William is clearly of the growth mindset. Basically the difference is that fixed mindset people think they are who they are and are not able to really change whereas growth mindset people think they are malleable beings who can change and learn.  Now this makes it sound like I think I cannot learn which is not true. I do believe I can learn and have learned many things over the years, but I have been very resistant to internal change, like being able to change my disposition and attitude toward others and myself. I have stated many times that I am who I am, and William has noted to me that I could change if I am unhappy (which I am). Yet I always said no I can't be something else. Ahhh the fixed mindset!

This is not the person I want to be. I would rather be a person who can see the areas of growth I have and enthusiastically go after growing opportunities. It seems to me that looking at life this way can be an amazing and freeing. More opportunity and less burden! :)



  1. This sort of thing I suspect is so simple it is difficult to change. Hopefully the Dweck book I got can help assist.

    Cutie :)

    1. Thank you for getting that book sweetie! I am excited to read it!! :)
